Posts in art inspiration
Adult Humans: Make Art with Kid Humans


Go! Make art with Kids! Observe and take notes as they become the teachers of art and life.

Some kids have zero inhibitions when they create. They just go for it with reckless abandon. It is advisable to follow their lead.

Some make statements such as, “this sucks” or “this doesn’t even look like...” Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you find yourself saying something similar when you sit down to create. Take note of how ridiculous statements like these sound and work past them together 🙃 

Art is a practice. Art is fun. And, frankly, who cares if it doesn’t look exactly like something that exists physically in this world? Even better if it doesn’t.

Kids teach adults about art and life.
Small Acts of Encouragement, Big Impact
"Here's the first artwork I ever made money on! When I was about 6 years old, my Aunt paid $5 for this. It made me realize I could get paid to do work I enjoy. This influenced me to become an architect. Those little things can make such a big impact…

"Here's the first artwork I ever made money on! When I was about 6 years old, my Aunt paid $5 for this. It made me realize I could get paid to do work I enjoy. This influenced me to become an architect. Those little things can make such a big impact. #artwillsaveyou" - Josh Brincko (Architect, Seattle)

People who view themselves as "creative" and those who view themselves as "not creative" alike can usually think back to a person who gave them a nod of encouragement or delivered a negative comment that set their creative destinies in motion.

One of our customers (and super hot models) shared a story that was a great example of this. It also reminded us of one of our favorite books, The Dot. Have you read it? Sure it's a kid's book, but adults will catch the warm fuzzies that might be missed on the younger folks ;)

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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We only recommend products we truly love. Thank you for the support!


I like paths, she said

paths that twist and wind

I don’t always want to see

where I’m going


meandering streams, she said

not the wide, wide rivers

reaching for the sea

I don’t want to know 

what’s round the next bend

or beyond the horizon

I like snakes, she said


and then stopped

