Posts tagged wellness
Highlights & Shadows

Today was not this day, but yesterday was. I didn’t want to get up. I didn’t want to leave the house. I definitely didn’t want to exercise. But I dragged myself to the workout class I was signed up for.

The sun was shining through the windows. My eyes and mind drew immediately to the shadows (darks) and highlights (brights/lights) in the room.

Shadows revealing shapes, punctuated by bright light. Fingers flared, light streaming through. Calf muscles reflected in darkness across the floor, strong. Light and dark. My spirit and energy lifted. Highlights and shadows. Highlights and shadows. I started to move and it felt good! 

Today, was different. I was excited to be out and moving, but I still noticed the shadows and highlights. If you don’t know where to look, where to find energy. Look for them. Highlights and shadows.

highlights and shadows